High-Speed Team Incident Handling with Slack

Falit Jain
May 24, 2024
5 min read
High-Speed Team Incident Handling with Slack
Table of Content

This article will teach you how to set up an on-call schedule, create on-call notifications, apply override rules, and more. everything is contained in Pagerly.

Step 1: Ask a few people to join

Add a few teammates at first to split up the on-call responsibilities.

Navigate to the Settings menu, select Users, and then click Add User.

Include a few team members who can work an on-call shift. Later on, you can always change or add team members. On-call schedules can only have people added who hold the Responder roles (Admin, Owner, User).

Responders and Observers are the two areas in which Pagerly offers four different sorts of user roles: Owner, Admin, User, and Stakeholder.

  • Respondents: Stakeholders 
  • Administrators, and Users

Here is more information about the role specifics. For the time being, go ahead and set these new teammates as Default Users.

Note: Emails to activate accounts will be sent to team members you invite. Fear not—while we wait for them to activate, we may carry on with the tutorial. 

Step 2: Form a group

Having uploaded a few users, let's use them to form a team.

A user in Pagerly has the ability to belong to more than one team. Keep in mind that a user must first be added to the account (which we completed in Step 1) before they can be assigned to a team.

Click Teams from the sidebar. Select "Add Team."

Give the name and description of your team something memorable.

Enter the members' names in the "Search for Users" field to add them. Options will appear as soon as you start typing. 

Step 3: Make a fresh on-call calendar

When a team is formed in Pagerly, a default on-call schedule is generated automatically. In this lesson, we will learn how to add, edit, pause, and delete schedules.

To view the on-call schedule for your new team, click Teams and then on-call if you aren't currently seeing these schedules.

For the time being, we're going to forgo using our default schedule and make a new one.

You get round-the-clock coverage with Pagerly by default, distributed equally among all team members. However, there are instances when it makes sense to develop tables several times or try out several schedules.

We see the following three alternative timetable types:

  • Follow the sun: Having someone available during various working hours prevents anyone from having to wake up in the middle of the night for teams that are dispersed across multiple time zones.
  • Off-hours: Certain teams reserve their on-call slots exclusively for after-hours work. This is predicated on the idea that someone will be on hand to handle any emergencies that arise during business hours.
  • On-call: Having a set timetable for employees who are available to answer calls during business hours can occasionally help maintain a clear division of duties and facilitate the planning and estimation of additional work.

To create the new on-call schedule you want, click Add Schedule next to your current one and complete the form.

The new schedule you make will now appear below both your default schedule and any subsequent schedules you create. To expand or collapse the specifics of any timetable, click the far right arrow.

Step 4: Establish a rotation

The three primary parts of the schedule you just made are as follows:

  • Rotations 
  • Final Schedule 
  • Overrides

Rotations are the permanent scheduling blocks you set up, and overrides are any conditional or one-time deviations from those rotations. The final schedule is composed of overrides and rotations. Pagerly ultimately uses the final schedule to deliver alerts.

Pagerly shows the final schedule automatically, updating when rotations and overrides are established.

The following are some of the crucial elements of a rotation:

  • Date and time of start: Shows the moment at which the rotation kicks in.
  • Date and time of the rotation's end: This shows when it concludes and stops being active. This is optional; if it is not supplied, the rotation will never stop.
  • Participants: Any new escalations (more on those in a moment), teams, and users added to the rotation. Additionally, you have the opportunity to specify times without coverage with the "No-One" option.

As you can see, each member of your team is given a rotation in the preset timetable. However, the one we recently made is vacant right now. Let's add a rotation so that we may include more folks. 

Click Add Rotations next to the Rotations label to start a new rotation.

The new rotation is now visible in your rotations area. To experiment with various element ordering, try dragging them. To change details, remove rotations, clone, or download rotations, click the edit bar.

Indicate the participants, the type of rotation, and the start time.

Step 5: Configure a scheduling override

Without changing your entire cycle, you can arrange individual changes to your on-call schedule. The Overrides section is located between Rotations and the Final Schedule. It's going to be empty by default.

When a team member has to temporarily replace themselves while on vacation or for any other reason, overrides come in handy.

Click Add Override to configure an override.

Who will assume control during the override time is indicated in the user field. You can switch to a different user, but by default, your own account is prefilled. Remember to provide the start and end times. You can select which of your configured rotations the override is applied to.

Step 6: Set up escalations

With escalations, you can route alerts to several recipients in a predetermined order according to conditions you define. In the event that the person on call is unable to answer, this is useful for setting up backup responders.

For instance, if the person on call doesn't respond to the alarm within five minutes, you can escalate it to the entire team.

Begin by accessing your On-Call dashboard (if it's not there already, click Teams and then On-Call). Click Add Escalation next to escalation policies.

Include a description and name.

Examine the dropdown menus to discover the many configuration options for an escalation.

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