Check in Check out
Easily Track and maintain check-ins and check - outs for your employees without switching apps! Get reports and alerts on Slack Channel . Integrate with Google Sheets, Excel .
How it works
Get your best Slack Workflows
Mark Check-in/ Check-out within Slack
No need to go to another app !!
Any user within slack can mark check-in without switching apps.

Get Reports / Alerts within Slack
Get all reports and alerts within Slack Channel / Personal DM.
Get check-in / check-out reports of each member of each team.

Support All Integrations
Want to sync daily report to Excel/Spreadsheet or any other tool?
Pagerly support all major tools .

Create new issues in Jira from images, files, videos, etc shared in Slack using the 🐞 emoji
Sprint Reports, Epic Reports. Get All Reports in scheduled manner within Slack
Update your tickets , conduct a daily standup within Slack. Get tickets done yesterday, upcoming tickets
Set up approval workflow for JSM and JIRA witin Slack
Automatically Assign Tickets to current oncall, rotation, or in round-robin mannger for your team
Create Dedicated Channels automatically based on changes in Jira Tickets
Have Deep 2-way Integrations with Tool of your Choice!
Manage operations on Slack with Pagerly.io with
Get Started with Pagerly
Empower Your Team's Efficiency Today