Falit Jain
February 12, 2024
5 min read

Streamlining Communication for Engineering Teams with JIRA-SLACK Sync

How Engineers Work Today with Jira and Slack

In the dynamic world of software development, Jira and Slack have become essential tools. Jira, predominantly used for project management, helps engineers track and organize tasks, bugs, and projects through its robust issue-tracking platform. Its agile boards, customizable workflows, and detailed reporting tools are indispensable for maintaining systematic project progression.

On the other hand, Slack serves as the communication hub. Its real-time messaging capability, channel-based organization, and integration with various tools make it a central workspace for team discussions, quick updates, and collaboration.

However, despite their individual strengths, there's a notable gap in how these tools coexist.

Problem Gap between Jira and Slack

The issue arises in the disconnect between task management in Jira and discussions in Slack. Engineers often find themselves discussing a Jira ticket within a Slack channel, but then need to switch back to Jira to update the ticket status or add detailed comments. This constant back-and-forth not only disrupts workflow but also increases the chances of miscommunication or oversight.

For instance, during a bug fix, engineers might discuss the issue extensively on Slack but fail to record all decisions or updates in Jira, leading to a disjointed project tracking system.

Why a Need of JIRA-SLACK Integration is Required

The need for Jira-Slack integration stems from the desire to streamline this workflow. Imagine if updates made in Jira automatically reflect in the relevant Slack channel, or if engineers could create and update Jira tickets directly from Slack. This seamless integration would ensure that no detail is missed and that all team members are on the same page, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

How to Achieve Jira-Slack Integration

To achieve an effective integration between Jira and Slack, Pagerly offers a robust solution. Their platform allows seamless syncing of Jira, JSM, Opsgenie, and Confluence with Slack. This integration enhances your process by allowing pre-built workflows or the creation of custom solutions tailored to your team's needs. Key features include:

  1. Comment, Assign, Transition Tickets on Slack: This integration halts constant app-switching, saving countless hours. It enables teams to manage tickets directly from Slack.
  2. Manage Incidents & Help Desk with ISTM/JSM: It simplifies the management of requests and incidents, leveraging Slack's collaboration features without the need for window switching.
  3. Create Issues Easily: Teams can choose any issue type and create tickets directly from Slack messages or via a bot, simplifying the issue creation process.
  4. Stay on Top of SLAs: The integration allows teams to monitor the status, progress, and resolution time of tickets directly on Slack, ensuring prompt actions and preventing potential breaches in service level agreements​​.

By integrating Jira and Slack using Pagerly's solution, teams can significantly enhance their workflow, reduce time spent switching between apps, and improve overall project management and communication efficiency.

Benefits, Use Cases, Best Practices


  1. Streamlined Workflows: Reduces the need for switching between Jira and Slack, enhancing productivity.
  2. Custom Workflows: Pagerly.io provides the flexibility to create custom workflows tailored to an organization's specific needs, ensuring that the Jira-Slack integration aligns perfectly with unique team processes and requirements.
  3. This addition underscores Pagerly.io's capability to not only streamline workflows and improve collaboration but also to adapt to the specific needs of different organizations, enhancing the overall utility of the Jira-Slack integration.
  4. Direct Ticket Management: Allows commenting, assigning, and transitioning of Jira tickets directly within Slack.
  5. Enhanced Incident Management: Simplifies the management of incidents and help desk requests without switching windows.
  6. Easy Issue Creation: Facilitates the creation of Jira issues from Slack messages or bots.
  7. SLA Monitoring: Enables real-time monitoring of ticket status and SLA compliance directly in Slack.

Use Cases:

  • Project Management: Team members can discuss Jira tickets in Slack and directly update their status, making project tracking more efficient.
  • Incident Response: Respond quickly to incidents reported in Slack by creating and managing Jira tickets without leaving the chat.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Use Slack for brainstorming solutions, then easily create or update related Jira issues from the conversation.
  • Real-time SLA Tracking: Keep track of SLA timelines and updates within Slack, ensuring swift responses and resolution of issues.

Best Practices:

  • Notification Settings: Customize notifications to avoid information overload.
  • Channel Management: Dedicate specific Slack channels for different projects or teams and link them to corresponding Jira projects for organized updates.
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