2024's Top 10 Slack apps for Devs

Falit Jain
April 26, 2024
5 min read

2024's Top 10 Slack apps for Devs

The top Slack apps for developers have been categorised for 2024. This post has everything you need, whether you work in a team or just want some bots for yourself. Even though some of the tools on the list aren't specifically for the development team, we included them since we thought some people might find them useful.

Productivity apps for Slack

We'll look at the Slack apps in this area that can make tech teams and individuals more productive.


Pagerly helps you to Manage Operations within Slack with Ease.

Used by 400+ organisations to efficiently manage tickets / incidents / oncalls over Slack

It features robust two-way integrations with major services like PagerDuty, OpsGenie, Jira, GitHub, ZenDesk, HubSpot, and Salesforce, ensuring a seamless workflow across various platforms. Users can synchronize on-calls directly with Slack Usergroups, create custom rotations, and manage tasks, Jira incidents, and tickets all within a single Slack channel. Pagerly stands out as an effective solution for enhancing operational efficiency directly from Slack.

What we enjoy 👍

Tailoremade workflows for everyone.

Quick - fast support

Most flexible and simplest pricing 

Tracker for Pomodoro

While some people have their pomodoro on their operating system, using Slack allows you to notify other team members that you are in concentrate mode and that they shouldn't anticipate an answer for the next n minutes.

What we enjoy 👍

straightforward and effective. It fulfils its stated purpose:).

GoLinks Shortcut

Go Links makes it simple for you to view the vital URLs of all your favourite companies.


Sharing videos asynchronously

You may quickly record your screen or yourself with Vidyard and distribute it asynchronously. exemplary in "showing instead of telling"


"The issue tracking tool you'll enjoy using" is how Linear describes itself.

The Slack marketplace does not currently provide any applications for Linear, however you can connect Slack directly from your Linear WorkSpace: Linear.

The classic /linear command in Linear lets you make new issues. Links from linear will be shown in an orderly manner on Slack so that users may quickly identify them.

What we enjoy 👍: 

With linear, you can assign a project to a certain channel, transmit updates from that channel to that project, and generate a contextual update on a particular linear project.


"Trello helps the team move work forward" .

Trello is the original TODO DOING DONE project management tool, and it is a straightforward Kanban application. With the help of the app integration, you can modify cards, attach conversations, create new Trello cards, and view previews.

What we like 👍: 

There are numerous community-made Slack apps devoted to Trello, and it is a very popular platform. Therefore, there's a good possibility you'll find what you're looking for if you use Trello. 


"Move work forward," says Asana. Another well-known San Francisco-based project management app is Asana. Their integration offers the same personal notification system as the others, so it essentially accomplishes the same thing when it comes to ticket ownership changes.


Jira began as a bug tracking tool and has developed into a feature-rich project management application.

Pivotal Tracker

Designed with developers in mind, Pivotal is an agile project management solution. It's outdated, but it works.


"The missing piece of Slack" is how Workast characterises itself. They appear to be the most Slack-integrated project management app available right now. They are completely functional and designed to operate with Slack.

What we enjoy👍

Everyone in your team may easily use it and it is fully integrated into Slack. For instance, you can register using your Slack account instead of using your email address.

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